Company Group Headshots Booking Form


Kindly Fill out the Form Below to get you the best competitive price available:

Please list wanted/suggested spaces ,and their approximate sizes if you can
Feel free to send photos of the spaces via text message to: 347.433.7370
Images Edit Notes: After your session, there will be 2 editing stages STAGE I; PROOFS: We do a first set of basic touch ups/editing for best results on all the images: Exposure, Contrast, Cropping, Clean White Balance, Sharpness. STAGE II; FINALS: The final more detailed and time consuming touch ups include the following as needed: Airbrush skin marks, Slightly airbrush eye bags , Stray hair,Overall soften skin,Raise exposure, contrast and sharpness on eyes,Jacket/Shirt lints.
Please include link
So we can offer you the best competitive pricing, please include additional details that help us understand your project more clearly.